Waypoints and Route Change


Now Implemented!


After setting up a navigation route – allow options to change the route and/or insert waypoints of additional planned stops along the way.

This is particularly useful when you know a faster route for a portion of the trip that auto-routing avoided since it’s not a freeway.


Common in many navigation systems, but does add some complexity to the usability.


Implemented in version 2021.40.5, but called “Add Stop”.  From the release notes “Add a new stop to your route by tapping the ‘+’ icon on the navigation search button and searching for a destination, or selecting a pin on the map.”

(Suggested by Bjørn)

Category: CY3XS Applies to:
     Created 1-Jan-2015


Having waypoints turned out to be a necessary feature as I could not make it to my next stop after arriving at my destination.  I drove from FL to NJ to pick up my brother and then drive to my nephew's 85 mi away. The 85 mile trip took almost 2 1/2 hours as we had to go way out of the way to charge almost not making it to a Tesla service facility with limited supercharger availability (I had to call Tesla support to figure out why that SC was grayed out).  Also when I got to the NJ destination I had no cellular Internet and the NAV would not even plan a route.  To top off that problem the NAV got scrambled, I think from the weak cell) and didn't even know where the SCs were. At the service center I got the tip to reset the screen and as it turned out there was a SC not far out of the way.
    Created 31-Oct-2018
I could have used this yesterday on my way from Reno to Seattle, but wanted to stop at my son's house in a Portland suburb.  The charge planning was great until I got to Woodburn, OR.  I needed enough charge to get to Centralia, WA with a detour to my son's house in Beaverton, OR.  I ended up switching the mapping from Centralia and his house a couple of times and doing the math manually to determine how much charge I needed to do both.  With a way-point added for his house, this would have been a piece of cake (or pie if you prefer).
    Created 1-Aug-2018
I could have used this yesterday on my way from Reno to Seattle, but wanted to stop at my son's house in a Portland suburb.  The charge planning was great until I got to Woodburn, OR.  I needed enough charge to get to Centralia, WA with a detour to my son's house in Beaverton, OR.  I ended up switching the mapping from Centralia and his house a couple of times and doing the math manually to determine how much charge I needed to do both.  With a way-point added for his house, this would have been a piece of cake (or pie if you prefer).
    Created 1-Aug-2018
This is my most desired NAV aid, too.  I often want ro alter the planned route for reasons of my own.  To do this before using the route would answer many questions the should be answered before starting.  For instance, road conditions, sufficient battery, time added to trip, or  additional charge stop.  When traveling I often want to include side trips.  I bought an Tesla Model S to ENJOY and want every road trip to be a JOY.  This could help.
    Created 4-Aug-2017
I'm with Brian S as it seems crazy that we all have to use our smartphones with Google maps calculating in our heads on a 5" UI with our 17" Tesla UI watching on the sidelines.  How about Tesla teaming up with the EVTripping.com folks who have done a nice job on their website for waypoints and charging estimations?  With the poor browser performance on the Tesla this site doesn't work well on the 17" screen
    Created 31-Jul-2017
This would be very useful for real estate agents (which Tesla's are the perfect car for) to plan out a route for all the showings for the day. Once the stops are all added, then simply rearrange them to create the most efficient route. If Google maps can rock this feature, Tesla should be able to.
    Created 6-Jun-2017
Alternative road suggestion if road is closed or traffic jam or something else
    Created 17-Aug-2016
The ability to add multiple waypoints is a necessity!

On a recent trip along I-95 from Virginia to South Florida, with stops in between, we found ourselves pulling out our smartphones and calculating charge distances outside of the Tesla's built-in Nav.

Simply put, I need to travel from A to C, however, I want to stop off at B along with way. When B is a bit off the 'beaten path,' by say 20 miles each way, this can seriously compromise your charging calculations.

I don't mind using my SmartPhone to nav, however, either Google maps needs A Supercharger location layer/overlay, or my car needs to support multiple waypoints/destinations.



    Created 10-Aug-2016
With waypoints it is posible also to plan a roundtrip. The system would be able to inform You if You have to charge during the trip. Please make the waypoints active, we need the possibility.
    Created 28-Nov-2015
I find the possibility for using waypoints very important in Route-planning. How often do you wish to follow the only one suggested by the NAV?

An example: If I should go to Narbonne from Denmark, I would definately prefer to go via Kassel and Switzerland.

Almost every NAV system has this possibility - but not Tesla - why?
    Created 6-Jun-2015
Sat Nav is devoid of functionality and too slow. Needs addition of many features as suggested.
    Created 31-Mar-2015
The Nav sys is very weak, IMO.  Not having routing options is a killer in a city with traffic.   Also, there seems to be some kind of GPS delay or something, as the sys is telling me to turn as a pass the street it wants me to take. (no, I am not using the "insane" setting)
    Created 21-Mar-2015