Offer an option to limit and/or warn about high acceleration on residential streets.
I was just watching a video of someone driving his Model S through narrow roads in a residential area with his kid enjoying the G force.
Most of us have learned to check the speed and respect the speed limit to some degree but there is nothing like an acceleration limit.
It occurs to me that some sort of mechanism should be in the car to avoid careless acceleration, perhaps as some mode: Acceleration monitor: Off, warning, limiter.
A “residential area” is ideally cloud data stored, perhaps linked to the speed limit, against GPS position perhaps detected in combination with sensors in the car.
I believe this is also a proactive measure to a future where Tesla Motors could face legal issues with people driving irresponsible hitting kids playing in such areas with poor visibility.
Moderator: The Valet mode already offers an accelerator limited function that can be applied at any time. Not quite the same as detecting residential streets.