Tire Pressure Values and Locations


Now Implemented!


The Tire Pressure-Monitoring Systems (TPMS) would show each tire’s air pressure in PSI and identify the tire’s location.


All US vehicles starting in 2008 must include a Tire Pressure Monitoring system, but there is no required implementation standard. Many systems show the tire pressures for each tire, but do not identify which tire has which pressure.

Most systems currently use tire monitors that transmit the pressure and can be uniquely identified, but cannot locate which position they are in. When tires are rotated, the sensors move with the tire.

Some (all?) GM vehicles offer a way to reset the tire positions using a reset tool so that the vehicle can identify each tire’s pressure.

You can also use FOBO, a third-party product that attaches to each valve stem and transmits the pressure via Bluetooth to your cell phone. The product handles multiple cars and is simple to install.


Available in all Tesla vehicles being made today.

Implemented in v7.0 software for cars with VIN P50900 or later (September 2014 builds and later). Older cars have a different set of TPMS sensors and receiver that is not compatible.

Category: CY3XS Applies to:
     Created 2-Dec-2012


a must both security and consumption

    Created 11-Mar-2015
I want tire pressure, tire temperature and over under psi at the current tire temperature.

Smart Tire Systems has been able to do that for over 20 years.  this is not new cutting edge technology. talk to smart tire and get a license to use their software.  you put in the tire size and desired cold pressure and when the tire is hot it will tell you at the current tire temp how much over and under inflated the tire is.

It is a great system that will warn you before a pressure only system will.  if one tire is running hotter that the other three you get an advance warning before the tire blows from high temp. high temps can hide a low tire until it is so hot it's to late to prevent a blowout.


Sorry just noticed auto caps is off on my iPad. to much trouble to edit on an iPad.
    Created 4-Feb-2015
Nissan/Infiniti provides wheel location, too.
    Created 4-Feb-2015
The Roadster also displays the temperature of each tire.  The Model S could go one step further and display a temperature compensated pressure so you can set the pressures even when hot. (Altitude compensation could be added too but probably isn't worth the bother).
    Created 5-Dec-2014
This feature should be implemented. In cold days you need to know which tire is low, guessing at -30.0 C is not fun!
    Created 11-Aug-2014
Ken, very few cars (if any?) use the rotational system anymore to guess the tire pressures, and the Tesla has actual pressure sensors in each tire.  A software only update could show the actual tire pressures.
    Created 1-Jun-2014
I was disappointed to learn that you don't get tire pressure values.  I am not absolutely certain but pretty sure that this is because the car doesn't have this information.  The system only knows the rotation rate of each wheel.  If they are rotating at different rates it is because one of the tires is over/under inflated.  So I assume that a display could indicate which tire is spinning too fast or too slow.
    Created 29-May-2014
My Porsche Cayenne has the individual tire pressures displayed and I would sure like the Tesla to do the same. Also, Porsche replaced the regular air in the tires with pure Nitrogen and they seem to hold a more consistant pressure. Anybody put pure Nitrogen in their Tesla tires? I asked at the service center and they did not offer it.

    Created 12-May-2014
My 2005 Acura RL does this, shows the pressure of each tire, provides a warning on low pressure.
    Created 12-Jan-2014
VW can manage this and identify which wheel the signal is coming from. If they can, Tesla can too. DJN
    Created 30-Dec-2013
A very nice feature but i think it depends on the sensor readout of the Model S if it is capable to provide a full readout or just a drop of pressure in the tire. If Model S does know each tire an the pressure it should be a simple software update.

Some systems don't even have tire pressure they calculate the pressure loss out of the rotating tire with the Electronic Stability Control (ESC). For example Audi and Volkswagen do that.
    Created 27-Mar-2013
Unfortunately not for the S. You only get a warning when it's out of range, and no indication of how far and which tire.

Many TPMS designs do not identify which specific tire has which pressure, but even a listing of four tires with the tire pressures is better than no information.

GM has a clever system where in a reset mode you identify each tire by temporarily dropping the tire pressure for 8 seconds in sequence so it learns where each sensor is located (i.e. after tire rotations).
    Created 1-Feb-2013
The Roadster does this and I thought the Model S did too. No?
    Created 31-Jan-2013
This system is reasonably priced and indicates which wheel and over a small range.
    Created 7-Jan-2013
I thought that Roadsters did this?

I was playing the the Open Vehicle app on the iPhone and it shows tires pressures based on each tire.
    Created 7-Jan-2013