Diagram of Power Useage


Now Implemented!


Offer a graphical view of each item that draws power and the amount of power that is being consumed.


I for one have taken my 60KW Model S down to “Your car is shutting down” and then subsequently pulled over to the side of the road to wherever your momentum takes you. It was done once for my personnel testing the actual “shut off “point and once for not getting it quite right.

I’d like to see a detailed graphic of every power draw in the car. Lights, radio, AC, power shocks, battery fans, etc. I’d think this would be great if managing your power is paramount. Now I know there is an energy use icon on the screen. I’m just asking for more details.

Moderator – use of most items – lights, radio, fans, shocks, is so small as to have little effect on the range. The AC and heat can consume more power, perhaps 20% in extreme conditions. Battery heat can also consume considerable power, but that is not optional (i.e. heating the battery to provide optimum range and performance).


Implemented in 2023. The new energy screen shows more details now.

edited by moderator
CY3XS Applies to:
     Created 4-Jan-2017