Regen and Friction Brakes to Full Stop


Now Implemented!


When releasing the accelerator, slowly come to a complete stop (but faster than the current design).


Currently, regen stops at about 5 mph. At that point, this feature would lightly engage the friction brakes to come to a complete stop if the Creep feature is off.

Several other cars like the Leaf and Bolt use a PM motor and offer the ability for one-pedal driving.


All current Tesla models as of March 2019 now have the single pedal drive to stop. This is a combination of new motors and brake design, so it’s not something that can be retrofitted into older S/X models prior to Raven.  All 3/Y models include a single pedal drive to stop feature.

(voting combined from a close duplicate that has been removed)

edited by moderator
Category: CY3XS Applies to:
     Created 30-Apr-2018


Isn't this now implemented with the recent "Hold" software update?   It gracefully transitions from Regen to friction brakes all the way through a complete stop, and then holds the car, even on slopes, without having to use the brake pedal at all.   We now have real "one pedal" driving.
    Created 17-Nov-2019
If it doesnt use more battery to stop with 1 pedal then 100% yes.
    Created 23-Oct-2019
I suggest this to be changed to "Offer more configurability of one-pedal driving" . Options would be to slider choice for the amount of maximum regenerative braking, whether it comes to a halt (using friction brakes, of course), slider choice  in for creep forward and slider choice for creep in reverse.
    Created 13-Jul-2019
This is nice specially in a hill, where you want to go to a full stop and not let the car creep in reverse, sometimes we don’t have anyone in front and car use the cruise control. If you press the brakes it will fully stop and hold, but if you don’t press strong enough it might creep in reverse even if it is in the drive mode, a feature to break if not pressing the pedals and not creep in reverse when driving forward would be super easy and comfortable.
    Created 30-Jan-2019
Clever suggestions, but why the need to enable anything:  I saw commercials for non-Tesla cars that have auto-braking as a standard safety feature.
    Created 19-Jan-2019
To continue using one pedal driving, under the original post's accurate supposition that the vehicle will not stop under five mph, i use the left hand to enable adaptive cruise  control, much like the comment about EAP, only i pull once not twice.  Works with or without AP.  The car stops without the brake pedal.  To continue one pedal driving, thru-out the stop and restart sequence, just depress the short stem button to turn off cruise control and accelerate, or i sometimes just override cruise control and accelerate.    One pedal driving, one left hand movement.  Continue on your way without removing your foot from the accelerator.
    Created 3-Jan-2019
In stop-and-go traffic I just engage EAP - that’s what it’s for. If you are driving, you are driving and the car will do what you tell it to.
    Created 2-Jan-2019
Its straightforward to brake in a consistent manner despite differing levels of battery SOC preventing a fixed approach. One takes the input vector of standardized G force per unit of speed modified by percentage of pedal travel and tests that against the actual G force experienced. The difference is the amount the motor regen process is not tolerating all the way to a theoretical 100% (no regen capability). The friction brake is proportionately applied based on this difference. As the car slows, the calculation is done many times per second to stay in line with the hard coded maximum deceleration curve this feature supports. One comes to a complete stop regardless of regen capacity or steepness of incline the car is currently on. I don't know that this is how  Nissan has done it, but this is one approach to the problem. There are a number of video reviewers that have driven the Nissan with this feature, and the comments are the same - you get used to it and love it. There is no need to move the foot between the two pedals in what is always a less than smooth manner. Emergency stops are the exception, and of course it doesn't matter that it was jerky. It was an emergency.
    Created 1-Dec-2018
Preface: once you get used to one-pedal driving, you can make it real smooth even with the default strong regen braking. Trick is to change that habit of completely backing off the accelerator when slowing down, instead to slowly back off the accelerator.

So if you get used to this and also not having “creep mode”, it makes perfect sense to have the car come to a complete stop with accelerator off. I would make the option conditional on turning off creep mode, and perhaps also conditional on using strong/standard regen.

I suppose the issue is, what happens when regen braking has been automatically disabled, because of 100% charge, temperature, or some other variable?
    Created 1-Dec-2018
Not a regen fan as it is an abrupt action.  Like my ride smooth.  The lowest regen setting and Chill mode is just right for me and my passengers.
    Created 8-Aug-2018
This proposed change would only apply to people who do not use the creep function setting.  It would be interesting if Tesla would tell us the approximate percentage of how many owners use the creep function.  I suspect creep's use is higher than some would guess.
    Created 12-Jun-2018
I find too much regen uncomfortable.  Just my two cents.
    Created 2-Jun-2018
My wife just bought a 2018 LEAF with this regen/friction feature. Nice.
    Created 6-May-2018