The Model S should offer an option for an auto or manual multi-gear transmission, not just one single gear. A five or six-speed gearbox might mean a more efficient and faster car.
A tranny might also allow Tesla to use a smaller electric motor since it wouldn’t have to turn such a large gear, this may improve range and efficiency. Automakers like Detroit Electric and Brammo motorcycles have already incorporated six-speed transmissions in their vehicles and Brammo explains why they don’t use a single-speed gearbox
The Model S is a great car but if it’s gonna be competing with the big boys the single-speed gearbox doesn’t seem the way to go. If you watch any race with the model S it usually wins when the other car is about to pass with it after they leave the starting line. This seems due to the one-speed gearbox, it has extremely acceleration up to about 95mph and then falls flat. Also, a transmission would reduce the rpm’s of the motor during highway drives, therefore, improving the range.
Moderator: This would add weight, cost, and complexity to the existing system, and consume some luggage space. The Taycan is the first EV to include a 2-speed transmission, but has very poor efficiency, gets poor range, has far less cargo space, and costs far more than a Model S.