Schedule Option for Cabin Preheating or Precooling



Add an option to set a specific time to turn on climate control each day of the week. Once the desired cabin temperature is reached, perhaps it turns off after a few minutes.


Preheating the cabin manually using the app is inconvenient, if you like to do this every day at the same time, e.g. in Winter commuting. Ideal for situations when the automatic preconditioning does not work well.

Some other cars offer a schedule option such as the BMW i3 and Jaguar I-Pace.



edited by moderator
Category: CY3XS Applies to:
     Created 21-Aug-2019


I agree with all three comments below.

An option for one-time, nonrecurring preconditioning would be appreciated by retirees and others who don't have a regular schedule. I often discovered that the car had been preconditioning needlessly because I forgot to turn it off. I don't like to waste/pay for electricity so I stopped preconditioning.
    Created 26-Jan-2023

  1. Offer a "non-recurring" option for one-time uses (going to an appointment and estimating departure).  The current system leaves one wasting energy if one forgets to cancel the daily scheduled event you need just to get a haircut.

  2. Offer multiple events, several recurring (e.g. leave for work, leave work for home, Leave for church, return home), and a non-recurring.

  3. Offer the non-recurring not as a scheduled event by time on the clock, but as a timer ("Precondition 45 minutes from now").

  4. Have phone app notifications: ("Preconditioning has begun for 1PM departure", "Preconditioning complete.")  This helps remind to cancel if #1 is not implemented, and is nice to verify that you remembered to set it.

  5. If I can synch my calendar for navigation address purposes, use this for preconditioning to precondition for the end of the appointment.  (I see the comment above suggested this).

  6. Let me set Preconditioning rules based on exterior and interior temperature, or seasons, or by appointment.

    Created 10-May-2022
A "one time" scheduled time (kind of like a notification) would be great. I don't have regular schedules, but I often know some time in advance (at best the night before) when I will be leaving, so being able to set a timer to heat the car at xx:xx, or even a countdown till start would be very helpful. Our Nissal Leaf allowed us to do this; super convenient to just set the starting time when I go to bed.
    Created 9-Sep-2020

But we need an individual time for each day, not the same time every day of the week.

And it must be settable from the app so that people with varying plans can easily configure the next week.

Also, being able to set departure time from Google Calendar events would be useful. For example adding an event with the "Tesla departure" in the title or comments. Could also be activated for calendar events with a location, taking driving time into consideration for calculating the departure time.
    Created 25-May-2020