Scroller for Temporary Wiper Speed, Fan Speed, etc.



Offer temporary change of the scroller function in the Model 3/Y as follows:

  1. Wiper speed. When you press the ‘wipe once’ button on the left-hand stalk, the wipers control panel comes up for about 20 seconds to allow you to change the wiper settings. Why not allow the left-hand scroller to control the wiper speed during that 20 second period? Then it can go back to being the volume control.
  2. Fan speed. Why not do something similar with the fan speed? Tap the fan icon on the screen but then, instead of fiddling with the touchscreen while driving along and your hand is bouncing around, wouldn’t it be easier to just use the scroller? After 20 seconds or so the fan display can disappear and the scroller returns to being the volume control.
  3. Cabin temperature. Same as fan speed above: tap the temperature display and then use the scroller to raise or lower the temperature.





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Category: CY3XS Applies to:
     Created 16-Jul-2020