Move the charge port to the front of the car.
What if the charge port was beneath the “T” in the front of the car or near the driver’s door? Some garage charging would be easier to implement and backing your car in would be a thing of the past. EVs like the Nissan Leaf and i3 both charge from the front of the car.
Moderator: Garage situations will always vary by the placement of the connections. What is ideal for some will be poor for others. With the long HPWC cords, they easily reach the current port even if mounted in the front of the space and driving the car in face first. Moving the charge port would also require moving thousands of Supercharger pedestals that would then prevent older Teslas from charging.
Moving the charge port to the front would also require a significant vehicle design change, as the chargers are in the rear, so thick large charging wires would need to run from the front inside to the rear, adding cost, complexity, weight, and reducing range.