Cybertruck Offroad Settings Improvement



Implement a high-level control to implement the functionality of 4L and 2L that would be achieved with a transfer case. This would address many people who take their trucks offroad but are not offroad geeks.


Problem: The Cybertruck offroad features are very configurable but not easily set when needed. In the past, with ICE 4x4s, the transfer case allowed for 4H, 4L, 2H, and 2L in each of the available gears, and with the addition of tire pressure control a very wide variety of conditions could be accommodated. It is pretty clear that any AWD vehicle probably implements 4H and 2H modes already.



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CY3XS Applies to:
     Created 28-Jun-2024

1 Comment

I don’t have a CT but my current Ford F150 is a Lightning.  Unlike my previous F150, it does not have 4H, 4L, 2H like my old F150. I think that is because of the torque that electric trucks have, so no need for 4L.
    Created 1-Sep-2024