More Range with Nano Flow Cell




Add a flow cell to the car for more range.


With flow cells you would get better range (up to 500 miles)…. it is faster to fill up the car (you go to a regular gas pump but would not be pumping gas you would be pumping a negative and positive ionic liquid which is a kind of liquid salt) and the car will go faster (160 TO 190 MPH) and it is way safer than batters. ( the ionic liquid is non-flammable unlike the flammable lithium batteries and you would not have to wary about the batteries overheating or losing range in freezing weather).

Moderator: Lots of hype without any proof. In the past, flow cells are exceptionally heavy and large (poor energy density) making them impractical in a car. Perhaps future designs will solve this. They also have the same problem as hydrogen – no fueling stations in most of the world. The vehicle speed limits are not dependant on the battery, but the gearing and may require a transmission, which adds cost and complexity.


We’re closing this out as impractical.  Tesla can get high speeds (200 mph) and range over 500 miles with its latest battery cell technology.  No need for unproven technology no one is considering.


Category: CY3XS Applies to:
     Created 15-Sep-2016