Interior Temperature Display



The exterior temperature is shown in the center console. The interior temperature is not. One can see the internal temperature by using the Phone app, so it’s sensed. It ought to appear in the car too.


Seems few (if any?) car companies include internal temperature. The concern is likely the inside temp is not all that accurate due to significant variations in temperature within different locations within the cabin. Perceived temperature also varies if the rider is in the sun, windows open, etc.



(voting combined from a close duplicate that has been removed)

Category: CY3XS Applies to:
     Created 10-May-2013


Tesla may choose to not display this, as it could likely differ from the desired set temp on the bottom of the display, and result in service calls: "My cars internal temp is not what I've set it to!" Not saying I've ever called this in for my own car, nope. :)
    Created 7-Jun-2021
Tesla may choose to not display this, as it could likely differ from the desired set temp on the bottom of the display, and result in service calls: "My cars internal temp is not what I've set it to!" Not saying I've ever called this in for my own car, nope. :)
    Created 7-Jun-2021
There must be at least two sensors. The passenger can set his desired temperature out of sync with the driver's set point.
    Created 25-Oct-2019
My VW and my Hyundai both had this feature.  And the issue of multiple sensors seems a wash because climate controls need a common point to know when to kick in.
    Created 4-May-2019
I have often wondered why this is not available, greatly agree
    Created 1-Feb-2019
Interior temperature is already displayed in the remote app.  Weather app will tell you the approximate exterior temperature. Since the sensor is already there, show it next to the outside temp display.
    Created 31-Mar-2015
+1 @ Donsch:
"By knowing what the "car thinks" the temperature is inside, in reference to the outside temperature, I might be able to prevent the heater from coming on unintentionally. "
    Created 27-Jan-2015
I agree with the poster.  There is always the "feels like" problem due to sunlight, wind, even rain variables.  However, there IS already a temperature sensor, used for both the phone app, and as a reference point to know whether to turn on A/C or heater.

My pet peave in a car like this is setting the thermostat to a conservative setting to increase range, and without warning the car senses it is suddenly colder outside and turns the heater on without asking, which is a range killer.

By knowing what the "car thinks" the temperature is inside, in reference to the outside temperature, I might be able to prevent the heater from coming on unintentionally.

    Created 2-Dec-2014
Inside temperature is hard to gauge. In my cars, in the high summer heat, I have to set the thermostat to 76-78 to maintain comfort, or else it gets too cold. Bright sunlight in the Southwest can also screw up the interior temp - "the greenhouse effect".

    Created 1-Dec-2014
Or use Visable Tesla as this shows both before you get in the car
    Created 3-Jul-2014
At the risk of cluttering the instrument panel, the temperature could be shown as ## / ## where the left one is outside temp and the inside is the right one.
    Created 13-May-2014
Echoing the first comment, let's have that same exterior[interior] display in the remote app as well. One gets the interior temperature now (if the car is awakened sufficiently, a separate issue), but not the exterior temperature. Both are relevant to the energy needs of the car once it is underway.
    Created 30-Jan-2014
Thom EM
I'd like to add that the display has plenty of room for an intuitive view of both temperatures.  Show the exterior temperature on the left.  to the right of that, a thin (1-pixel) line drawing of the side-view profile of the vehicle, with the interior temperature drawn inside the lines.  My sketchup looks like this: rough sketch of exterior and interior temperatures
    Created 8-Jul-2013