Now Implemented!
The Tire Pressure-Monitoring Systems (TPMS) would show each tire’s air pressure in PSI and identify the tire’s location.
All US vehicles starting in 2008 must include a Tire Pressure Monitoring system, but there is no required implementation standard. Many systems show the tire pressures for each tire, but do not identify which tire has which pressure.
Most systems currently use tire monitors that transmit the pressure and can be uniquely identified, but cannot locate which position they are in. When tires are rotated, the sensors move with the tire.
Some (all?) GM vehicles offer a way to reset the tire positions using a reset tool so that the vehicle can identify each tire’s pressure.
You can also use FOBO, a third-party product that attaches to each valve stem and transmits the pressure via Bluetooth to your cell phone. The product handles multiple cars and is simple to install.
Available in all Tesla vehicles being made today.
Implemented in v7.0 software for cars with VIN P50900 or later (September 2014 builds and later). Older cars have a different set of TPMS sensors and receiver that is not compatible.